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Assignment 6 - Illustrate "Grief"

Abandoned Hopes


The first snow of the season, 

Halloween day. 

A dilapidated park bench, 

accentuates the dismay. 

A person has left the

scene in complete disarray. 

A bottle empty,

not of Chardonnay.

A washed out stuffed toy,

face-down it lay.

Over a poster from when

times were gay, 

"Never stop looking up”.


Abandoned hopes and dreams, 

not a sunshine ray.

This is the truth 

of the everyday.


#photography #grief #melancholy #abandoned #merlot #snow #urbana

I created this scene on October 31, 2019 at a neglected park bench behind the

Astronomy Building (1002 W Green Street, Urbana, IL, USA). 

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