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Assignment 9 - Self Portrait

Snow clad earth, dream clad heart 

This photograph was captured on December 16, 2019 at the Main Quad of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA. This is a self portrait of me, Devanshi Pratap. I see myself as a dreamer and an enigmatic person. I have tried expressing that through this photograph. My gaze is upon an unknown object, and it seems as if I'm staring into space. 

My friend, Victoria Chen, helped me with executing this concept. I lied down on the ground as a fresh coat of powdery snow had just fallen the previous night. As we were photographing, a gust of wind sent some snow and my hair to fly about. I thought that added to the mystery of the picture. For the same reason, this portrait is also upside down.

#photography #self #portrait #dreamer #wind #snow #enigmatic #upsidedown

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